Image courtesy of www.jessicacosta.com
The European Union is joining
There is a difference between an informative campaign and blatant fear mongering. Associating drug use with STDs and graphic images (see freaky anti-drug commercial) not only confuses the message but closes the door to healthy debate. The Office of National Drug Control Policy created a series of video news releases – advertising disguised as prepackaged news stories, failing to explicitly identify themselves as the producers. This is nothing short of ‘covert propaganda’. These tactics are successful when used by car and lingerie advertisers. But they do not encourage a conversation with the viewer as a successful anti-drug campaign should.
The media has been happy to milk the anti-drug campaign for advertising dollars for the last ten years. As of 1998, the Magazine Publishers of America have agreed not only to run advertising but to support it with convincing editorials, blatantly admitting to excluding contradictory opinions. I was under the impression that journalists aimed to provide unbiased coverage of both sides of an issue, no matter how noble a cause may be.
Interesting, off-the-beaten-path subject. Very original of you. Solid use of supporting evidence to shore up your argument. Kept wondering if you'd mention, even passingly, the controversial D.A.R.E. program many American elementary school students are turnstiled through, despite little evidence (to my knowledge) that it actually works. Also, found myself wondering why anti-drug public-service ads don't work, whereas anti-drinking ads seem to be having some effect. Or do they? Also, you might have compared the use of VNRs in this context to the Bush administration's use of them to promote its legislation and policies via local TV news outlets. Still, thoughtful, original post.
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